Who’s Online?

0 people online playing on WoWchamp TBC Classic server.



Information, Rates, Features:

4x experience, 4x gold earned; Blizzlike

Free to play

Inspired by WoW Classic; they took this (and all our characters) away from us!

We’d all love to play Burning Crusade Classic or Wrath of The Lich King Classic endlessly, but Blizzard is ending that, those servers and the whole entire old world for “Cataclysm” classic. We’d like to provide a Blizzlike experience to keep your characters for as long as we can. It’s like your WoTLK classic characters are going away in a matter of mere months!

Import your characters for free from Wrath Classic and don't lose them.

Currently: A Burning Crusade Classic server.

May release a WotLK server if demand is there.

Working on bigger things to come soon.
We’d like a new Classic experience.